My work is based on revealing the potential of object and material with which we have an assumed knowledge. This is done through simple gestures applied to readymade objects, often stemming from domestic environments. Through these alterations I attempt to create a sense of wonder and provoke a moment of recognition of the everyday environment which is often more assumed then experienced.
Fragmentation, deconstruction and reconstruction, erosion of singular meaning within a context are all methods I have used to pursue the concept of crossing. Through these processes of layering and imposing information a shift occurs in our assumptions, and knowledge of the object. This shift or crossing from common or routine to unexpected and unknown is the primary consideration with which I am intrigued. The isolation from its common scenario helps trigger our sense of memory, or recognition of the altered object.

One wood chair, adhesive, paint
34 x 35 x 32 inches, each
Details of the wood - click to enlarge:

Wood, Bondo, and paint, 30 x 30 x 24 inches
Details of the sculpture - click to enlarge:

UNTITLED (end table), 2005
Wood, paint and glazed ceramic, 23 x 27.5 x 18.75 inches
Details of the table - click to enlarge:

TRACE, 2004
Table (teak), adhesive, spackle, wire and solder

One wood chair, adhesive, paint
33 x 18 x 18.5 inches, each

Sanded oak chair 36 x 14 x 15 inches
Daly hand-sanded this chair for 300 hours.
The wood dust from this effort is distributed as seen below:

SUBJECT: CHAIR, 2005 (detail above right)
Sandpaper wood dust, dimensions variable
Another method I have used to play on the ready-made object is through the idea of trace information. Trace information represents a piece of evidence or a replica of information. I attempt to play with trace information both literally and figuratively by deconstructing, reconstructing and finally tracing the linear configuration of evidence left by this process with wire. In the case of wood, the act is that of tracing the line created by two shards of wood butted against each other. Through this action I am creating a physical replica of a space between two things. A crack is not physical in the sense of material; it is physical only in terms of a space between. By replicating a linear space with a physical material, wire, I play on the notion of trace information and a literal tracing of linear space. The resulting information becomes an object in the form of only the crack pattern.
These ideas and objects which they generate stem from questions I have asked myself for years. Wondering what something is comprised of and how it?s interior could be exposed as a vital, functioning part of the whole. I believe this stems from consideration of self and the environments in which we exist. Our interior or bodily appearance verse our exterior or outward looking conscious. Our skeletal structures, the functioning of our organs and finally our veneer, or skin within which we exist, are all pieces to the whole which rarely are considered as one. This examination and consideration of physical knowledge is where I attempt to enter my work.
- Drew Daly
Wood, adhesive and paint
24 x 24 inches $2,000. |
Ink on paper
28 x 28 inches
Detail of the wood - click to enlarge:

Wood, adhesive and paint
48 x 48 inches SOLD
DIAGRAM (blue), 2004
Ink on paper
52 x 52 inches
Details of the pieces - click to enlarge:

UNTITLED (door), 2005 (shown installed above)
Painted wood 31 x 31 x 1.5 inches
Details of the sculpture - click to enlarge: